Technical tips and tricks for a virtual presentation

For a good virtual presentation it is fundamental to prepare and test your technical set-up to avoid running into troubles while being in your live presentation or in a pre-recording.

Hardware set-up: Use headphones which have their own microphone, especially if you are using a desktop computer or an older computer. Do not use the in-built microphone of your computer as this will not produce adequate audio quality.

Audio quality: To ensure adequate audio quality please also follow these instructions:

  • Connect the headphones with the 3.5mm audio plug of your computer.
  • Make sure that the microphone sits in place (ideally 3-5 cm in front of your mouth)
  • Start a test recording - if the sound is not good, open the audio settings and correct the input volume and level - many computers offer the option of a pre-set option to reduce the ambient noise. If this is available, make sure this option is on.

Rehearsal: Take part in the rehearsal (if it is offered), even though you might be quite savvy with the used meeting tool, it is always good to have a quick fresh-up and it is also a great possibility to address any remaining questions

Video-presentation: When incorporating a video in your presentation, it is recommended to not insert it into the presentation, but rather open it with an appropriate programme and have it opened and ready in the background à this ensures good quality and prevents stalling

Zoom-tutorials: For general zoom hacks, you can watch the following videos:

Different mini “how-to” videos by zoom official staff: Quick explanations referring to each possible category when setting up or presenting in the zoom programmes. 

1) Mute/Unmute Function
2) Start/Stop Video Function
3) Invite Function
4) Manage Participants
5) Share Screen
6) Chat

(10:16min) by zoom official staff

1) Joining a Meeting With or Without Video
2) Joining Zoom Audio in a Meeting
3) How to Test Speaker and Microphone
4) How to Start or Stop Video
5) SAdjusting Audio or Video on the Fly

(1:42min) by zoom official

Two versions on how to see presentation notes while presenting PowerPoint slides on Zoom

(03:57min) by Amanda Montoya