Participate in the Brain Health Mission
Who can join the BHM?
Everyone can become a part of our mission.
The aim of the Brain Health Mission is to involve everyone interested in supporting and contributing to the initiative. Brain health is a uniting force that cannot be tackled alone. Together we can help everyone to increase their brain capacities, and lead a healthier and happier life.
The EAN is inviting:
- International associations
- European associations
- Specialty societies
- Sub-specialty partner societies
- Companies

There are 3 different ways you can participate and contribute
Strategic Partner | Non-commercial organisations representing medical & scientific fields related to the brain are welcome to join the Brain Health Mission. Additionally, organisations within medical/scientific fields outside neurology are also welcome. This can include international or regional medical/scientific associations as well as universities, research institutes, foundations or charitable organisations. Strategic Partners can propose ideas, activities, and events as well as have representation in the governing bodies: the Steering Committee and Forum. |
Supporting Partner | Companies are welcome to support the efforts of the Brain Health Mission by providing input, co-creating content and supporting through a major annual funding to allow the BHM’s activities to take place. Supporting Partners may appoint a representative to the Forum. |
Contributor | Entities providing financial support to the Brain Health Mission are welcome to share input and ideas. While they do not hold a seat in the Forum, their contributions can be discussed during meetings, allowing them to play an active role in shaping the Mission’s activities. |
If you are interested in supporting the Brain Health Mission, please reach out to us at BrainHealthMission(at)
How can your organisation contribute?
The Brain Health Mission depends on the support and contributions of its partners. Proposals for meaningful and impactful activities can be shared with the Brain Health Mission partners. Working together, our mission is to raise awareness and bring great leaps in knowledge, through which we will implement new ideas and treatments. As a partner you can be at the forefront of this development. Your name will be associated with this ground-breaking development, a mission that will steadily grow so that the changes within a decade will be noticeable throughout all countries and populations.