ENS Journal of Neurology

As early as 1987, the founders were looking out for a scientific journal and the EC of the ENS decided that the society should have one. The first offer came from Karger, Basel, with the existing journal "European Neurology". A competing offer came from Springer-Steinkopf, Heidelberg, publishing the Journal of Neurology, formerly "Zeitschrift für Neurologie". Negotiations with the Steinkopf-Springer Publishers were successful and a contract was made securing that several ENS specialist should be on the Editorial Board. The first Co-Editors in Chief were at the time Alastair Compston, Cambridge, and Klaus Poeck, Aachen.
The following editors had an ex officio seat in the Executive committee. Over the years several members of the ECs including some past presidents served as Joint Editors. The incoming presidents were portrayed and the major news reported in the ENS section under the professional hands of C. Reilly. Over the last years of the ENS the Journal Editors were elected at the annual Business Meetings.