Sleep-Wake Disorders Day
Sub-Specialty Track on Sleep-Wake Disorders
Saturday, 25 June 2022
For this year’s congress EAN will host a special event within the EAN Congress 2022 called the „Sub-specialty Track – Sleep/ Wake Disorders " and we kindly invite all specialists in sleep medicine to join this event! The EAN Programme Committee has selected an extraordinary programme for this event dedicated to sleep specialists, which you should not miss! See below the preliminary programme of the Sub-specialty Track
Interactive Session 8
08:00 – 09:30, Sub- specialty Track Room
Movements during sleep: from normality to disease
Chairperson: Maria Livia Fantini
- Isolated motor phenomena and normal variants in sleep: when do they become abnormal?
Luca Baldelli, Bologna, Italy - From movements to behaviours: Disorders of arousal and Sleep related hyper motor epilepsy
Elena Antelmi, Verona, Italy - Sleep-related movements and behaviours in neurodegenerative diseases
Maria Livia Fantini, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Symposium 9
10:00 – 12:00, Sub- specialty Track Room
EAN/ESRS: The burden of sleep disorders in neurology
Chairperson: Ulf Kallweit, Evelina Pajediene
- Sleep and brain health
Claudio Bassetti, Bern, Switzerland - Sleep by and for the brain
Pierre-Hervé Luppi, Lyon, France - Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders in Neurology
Elisa Baldin, Bologna, Italy - Economic burden of sleep-wake disorders
Richard Dodel, Essen, Germany
Scientific Theatre 06
12:30 – 13:00, Scientific Theatre Room
Future of sleep neurology
- Sleep, neurology and climate change
Ulf Kallweit, Witten, Germany - International Sleep Master
Luigi Ferini-Strambi, Milan, Italy
Teaching Course 18
15:00 – 18:15, Sub- specialty Track Room
EAN/EPNS: Treatment of adult and pediatric primary sleep disorders (L2)
Chairperson: Rolf Fronczek, Giuseppe Plazzi
- Management of CNS hypersomnolence disorders
Rolf Fronczek, Leiden, The Netherlands - Treatment of sleep-related movement and breathing disorders
Ambra Stefani, Innsbruck, Austria - Parasomnia’s – video session & treatment
Stine Knudsen-Heier, Oslo, Norway - Paediatric sleep disorders -diagnosis and treatment
Fabio Pizza, Bologna, Italy
In cooperation with