Industry Compliance
EAN has submitted the congress to e4ethics for assessment. The Event ID is: EMT27164. The status of the assessment can be checked here.
Any sponsor showcasing pharmaceutical (or pharma-dependent) products is advised to consult the EFPIA Code of Practice and the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice before applying. It is the exhibitor’s or sponsor’s responsibility to comply with all national and international laws and regulations that pertain to its particular industry, and to ensure that a compliance officer has approved the specific sponsorship items prior to the application.
EAN is not liable in any way for sponsors not complying to legal, ethical and industry standards.
Message for Italian Sponsors
Any Italian pharmaceutical company supporting or participating in a congress abroad, is subjected to an authorisation by AIFA (Italian Drug Agency), according to an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 art. 124).
The request of authorisation must be submitted within 60 day before the starting date of the event.
In compliance with the given instructions please contact for the AIFA application documents:
Gianni Frontani & Anna Lupidi
Via Arrigo Davila n.130
00179 Roma, Italy
Phone +39 06 442 493 21
Fax +39 06 99331533
E-Mail: gfrontani(at) - alupidi(at)