Overarching Theme
Overarching Theme Europe 2022: Getting evidence into practice
For EAN 2022, our overarching theme is ‘Getting Evidence into Practice’ and we have put together a range of workshops and symposia addressing this subject. Leading specialists will tackle timely and relevant questions such as which clinical trial designs best inform practice; what evidence informs the use of diagnostic tests; are guidelines a useful tool for improving outcomes; and how do we get guidelines applied and implemented?
The overarching theme will be the focus of many sessions, with something for every category of participant, from trainees to veterans, whether clinician or scientist, general or specialised.
Focused Workshop 02
Saturday, 25 June 2022, 08:00-09:30
How do we ensure the timely generation of evidence that will improve lives and reduce burden?
- Benefits and pitfalls of rapid implementation during a pandemic
- Is neurology following or leading in the development of prognostic biomarkers?
- New treatment paradigms; who defines them?
Focused Workshop 11
Sunday, 26 June 2022, 08:00-09:30
Implementing evidence: What have we learned and what must we do better?
- Implementation in the acute and emergency setting.
- Implementation when both expertise and high-quality evidence are scarce.
- Implementation in a chronic disease across the life course.
Plenary Symposium 03
Monday, 27 June 2022, 10:00-12:00
Improving lives and reducing burden: What evidence do we need to implement?
- Do neurology trials inform everyday clinical practice, if not why not and what should be done to make sure that they do?
- How do we ensure the appropriate development and implementation of diagnostic technologies in neurology, and what does the neurologist need to know?
- Are guidelines a useful tool for improving outcomes in neurology?
- How does the general neurologist find what is important and relevant in an era of information overload and increasing complexity?