EAN Congress 2021 Abstract Submission is now closed!
Important Dates
Abstract Submission opens | Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12:00 CET |
Abstract Submission deadline extended! | Sunday, January 24, 2021 23:59 CET |
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection | Monday, March 29, 2021 |
Late Breaking Abstract Submission opens | Thursday, April 15, 2021 |
Late Breaking Abstract Submission deadline | Monday, May 17, 2021, 23:59 CET |
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection - Late Breaking Abstracts only | Friday, May 28, 2021, 23:59 CET |
Abstract Presenter Registration Deadline | Monday, May 31, 2021, 23:59 CET |
Pre-recorded presentation upload deadline | Monday, May 31, 2021, 23:59 CET |
Abstract Presenter Registration Deadline - Late Breaking Abstracts only | Thursday, June 10, 2021, 23:59 CET |
Pre-recorded presentation upload deadline - Late Breaking Abstracts only | Monday, June 14, 2021, 23:59 CET |
EAN Congress 2021 | Saturday - Tuesday, June 19-22, 2021 |
Update Your Profile for Abstract Submission
In order to submit an abstract, please login to the EAN website and update your personal data. Via the dashboard in your MyEAN user area you will be able to submit your abstract.
If you do need help with uploading your abstract(s), please contact abstracts(at)ean.org .
EAN 2021: Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- Abstracts must be submitted via your MyEAN profile. Faxed abstracts are not acceptable.
- Authors's details: include full mailing address, office hours, phone number, email address and fax number of presenting author, as well as affiliation details of all co-authors. By submitting the abstract, you confirm consent of all co-authors to provide their data.
- Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English. Please use UK spelling and have your abstract proofread.
- Abstracts should contain new and original information, not published elsewhere prior to 19 June 2021.
- Abstracts should be as informative as possible:
- State specific object of study
- State method used if pertinent
- Summarise results obtained
- State conclusions reached
- Abstracts should be structured and with the following headings:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- All abbreviations used must be defined the first time they are used.
- Avoid complex mathematical formulae. Try to avoid symbols (greek, mathematical, etc.). E.g. Instead of IFN-ß, use IFN-beta; instead of 10², use 10^2; instead of x≥2, use x>=2.
- Abstracts can contain a maximum of 3 tables or figures. The maximum file size and resolution is 2 MB and 300dpi per figure. Images should be submitted in JPG, GIF or PNG format only. The EAN may resize tables or figures to fit in the final material. Tables must be submitted as a separate graphic file.
- Abstract text must not exceed 250 words in total and 1500 characters per section. Abstract titles may contain a maximum of 25 words and 120 characters
- Authors should include their presentation preference: onsite oral, virtual oral, or poster. The Programme Committee will decide the final method of presentation.
- A maximum of 3 abstracts per presenting author may be submitted.
- After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your abstract reference number. If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail, please contact abstracts@ean.org. The corresponding author is responsible for informing other authors about the status of the abstract.
- Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted or if you wish to submit other Abstracts later. After final submission deadline has passed, submitters can no longer modify or correct the abstract's content and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.
- If an abstract is accepted, one author must attend the congress and present it. Acceptance of the abstract implies payment of the registration fee by the presenting author. If a presenting author does not register to the congress or does not attend the session for which (s)he has been scheduled, a penalty may incur.
- If your research has been granted any commercial or institutional support, you will be asked to list these under Disclosures in the submission process. Please prepare a one-sentence statement for this purpose.
- If you apply for a bursary or for the tournament, remember to upload the necessary documents. Your application will be only regarded if all documents have been submitted.
- If your abstract has been accepted as poster presentation, you will be asked to prepare a poster in electronic format (ePoster). Guidelines will follow based on acceptance of your abstract. Presenting authors will present their posters in e-poster sessions during the congress.
Abstract topic: Please select the category under which the abstract should be reviewed after consulting the list of topics (see on the right).
Embargo Policy
Please note that the embargo on all abstracts will be lifted officially on Friday, 18 June 2021, 18:30 CEST. This is when the European Journal of Neurology including all Abstracts will be released on the EAN Website.
Abstract Topics
Abstracts have to be submitted online via the congress website.
Please log in/register with your EAN username and password, update your personal data and submit your abstract!
- Ageing and dementia
- Autonomic nervous system
- Cerebrovascular diseases
- Child neurology/developmental neurology
- Clinical neurophysiology
- Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology
- Critical care
- Education in neurology
- Epilepsy
- Ethics in neurology
- Headache and pain
- History of neurology
- Infectious diseases
- Motor neurone diseases
- Movement disorders
- MS and related disorders
- Muscle and neuromuscular junction disease
- Neuroepidemiology
- Neurogenetics
- Neuroimaging
- Neuroimmunology
- Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases
- Neurology and arts
- Neuro-oncology
- Neuro-ophthalmology/ neuro-otology
- Neurorehabilitation
- Neurotoxicology/occupational neurology
- Neurotraumatology
- Peripheral nerve disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Spinal cord and root disorders
- COVID-19