Virtual Booth MEET
The hub of neurology – join us to shape the future of neurology
MEET our past and upcoming congress destinations, and become a part of EAN's activities.
In 2021, the EAN congress will take place in Vienna – one of the biggest European capital cities and home of the EAN Head Office. Seize this opportunity to meet other members of the EAN community!
Meet others not only during the EAN congress, but all-year-long in the MyEAN community!
Being a part of the EAN and participating in the Virtual Congress 2020, you can actively shape the future of the upcoming EAN activities by evaluating the sessions you have attended. Give us your feedback and help with assuring the quality of future events.
Please evaluate all sessions that you have attended immediately. You will receive a link to your certificate. CME Certificates will be available only for sessions attended from 23-26 May 2020.
If you have any questions, please visit the EAN Virtual Booth during the congress or contact us at
The MEET Team will be happy to help you:
Magdalena Matczak
Malin Inzinger
Uta Bauer
Tamara Reschreiter

Don’t forget to evaluate the sessions you have visited at the virtual congress.
CME Certificates, including a record of attendance, will be available to the participants of the live streamed and on-demand sessions of the congress (23-26 May 2020), who have evaluated them. Viewing and evaluating of sessions on-demand have been extended until Friday, 29 May 2020, 23:59 CEST.